Enjoying success requires being open to change. Only then will you have true opportunity to get the most from your talent.
Why Coaching?
Would you like to be more decisive? To take control of your life? Are your limiting beliefs holding you back?
Do your personal life goals feel far-off and impossible?
Would you like to have a clear vision and plan for your future?
Performance Coaching can help YOU!
Life coaches work with their clients to help them achieve goals, overcome obstacles and make changes or shifts in their lives. It is the facilitation of a process guiding you toward transformative change positively affecting your entire life experience. Both personally and professionally.
We all need guidance and mentorship from time to time. We come to a crossroads indicating something is not right and change is needed. But, what is it and why wont it go away? This gives you anxiety and confusion, you feel lost and demotivated. It causes a lack of cohesion in teams and ultimately leads to a lack of productivity and increased frustration. Coaching is a guidance tool that used correctly can be the key to interpret and focus our intuition's message and drive positive change through intentional action toward a better state of being. Coaching is the tool that unlocks the solutions and unleashes your greatest potential to fire-up your life, get on track and find the powerful motivation to achieve your greatest possible future.
Finding your potential within yourself is a challenging prospect, yet you know it is the key to taking control of the direction of your future. Support and guidance from trusted mentors, 'life-sherpas' to walk beside you helping navigate and carry your inner confusion giving you space and freedom in an unencumbered state confidently design your personal life-vision with clarity.
You are the hero of this journey, we are guides providing support and tools to empower you and keep you motivated. You are the boss, our mission and focus is to help you succeed. Your greatest dreams and visions for yourself are possible, so long as you are willing to be open, to be vulnerable, to commit and believe in yourself. Lets' go on a journey together, we are excited to get going, are you?
"Life is full of crossroads and decisions to be made. It is a matter of
perspective between fearful experience or an exciting future opportunity".
- Stuart Isham Fairbairns, CEO & Coach
Coaching can be the difference between living a life that is good, and a life that is truly great. Are you living to your fullest potential? We all have visions for our lives and often feel they are unattainable. We settle and put our dreams aside living a life that is 'good'. Is 'good' good-enough for you? Imagine unleashing your greatest potential and living the life you dream of.
One-to-one sessions create opportunity to explore what may be holding you back and work on ways of getting you 'un-stuck'. Your future potential is as large as you dare to dream it, we help guide you toward the best possible life you can make for yourself.
Whether in person or online (Zoom) this type of coaching suits individuals who are at a crossroads in life. Through powerful conversations we help you get you on track toward your greatest potential, supporting you throughout the journey.

Client Testimonial
“Over the past 4 years coaching has served as a driving force in my confidence and personal development. Stuart is extremely relatable in sessions that are well-paced, comfortable and transformative. It is as though talking with an insightful and lifelong friend. I highly recommend Stuart to any ambitious professional looking to transform their life for the better”.
- Samuel, CEO

"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up your team to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast endless sea".
- Antoine de Saint Exupery
There is no 'I' in team, however there are 'I'ndividuals. They together make up the collective intellect available to your organisation. The trick is motivating and then tapping into that potential creating cohesive, pro-active teams that deliver results often exceeding, organisational goals and success. But how do you achieve this motivation?
If every team member knew their strengths, actively worked on improving them, knowing their colleagues strengths and bringing all of that to the table, imagine what your business could accomplish. Motivating teams every day is one of the greatest expenses that businesses have as well as being a great source of frustration and confusion for your management team. Powerfully and sustainably motivated teams are one of your businesses greatest assets and sources of revenue.

Client Testimonial
Wisdom, grace, expertise, humour, professionalism, insight, inspiration and humour again. These are a few words I would use to describe Stuart. The ability to coach a group of 200 business women and to reach every one with a transformative experience. Happier colleagues means happier workplace which in turn means increased and improved business results.
- Colleen, Business Consultant

Your coach, Stuart Isham Fairbairns has spent the past decade as a business leader, guide and personal development mentor in a variety of industries.
Stuart has a wealth of experience in working with individuals one on one through personal and professional development. His career began in the corporate world where strategic integration and business development filled his days. This led to establishing multiple businesses in the conservation and social development arenas. With a passion for people and business Stuart has rare and unique abilities. Guiding you to discover the core issues that stand in between you and your greatest success for you personally and where relevant for your teams and your business.
Over the past decade Stuart has mentored many people from around the world. Stuart is a gifted coach who has impacted many in such ways to unleash their greatest possible potential.
"My greatest passion is seeing that light bulb moment when a person sees past their issues and achieves things they never thought possible"

Stuart Isham Fairbairns

Client Testimonial
"Stuart is first and foremost an impressive, natural and empathetic leader. He has a natural skill set and combination of passion for people, and business experience making him a powerful and effective coach. Stuart got me past my limiting beliefs and I can honestly say my life has been transformed. I have become more decisive and focused on my goals, the outcomes I want in life as well as my career."
Sarah, Business Leader